April 6, 2020 5:58 PM
Hot off the Lens
Whilst a wedding unfolds, there is a magic a foot, not the abracadabra kind, but the little looks, moments, emotions, laughter tears. The looks between friends, boys can be as girly as girls, dads have exceedingly proud moments, brides glow and blossom its a cinderella moment. Grooms get a little high on emotion and become a lovely squishy bundle of romance. I see all this every wedding day, whether its in a hotel, church, marquee or garden I get to see the love of ......
November 16, 2017 10:23 AM
Hot off the Lens
Christmas is coming to East Leake on Saturday 25th November for our yearly Christmas Lights switch on where Santa and his Elf light up our lovely village.Activities at the studio start at 2pm until 6pm where our winter wonderland backdrop (photo attached) awaits you and your families. Shoots are on a Walk in basis and the session is free, its warm and dry and you can wait, view and choose your images and take them away with you (bring a USB Stick) or we can email them to you.Digital Images ......
November 7, 2017 1:10 PM
Hot off the Lens
We advertise these dates, but its amazing how many people still don't know they exist. They are 8th and 22nd November and 13th December (for anything pre Xmas)!Here at Captcha we want to get to know you and be a regular part of your yearly family calendar. So, we offer a photography shoot at Captcha Photography...for free! Yes, there is no catch, we offer on dates published throughout the year free 15 minute shoots. That's 15 minutes of photography time, as it may ta ......
July 27, 2017 6:22 PM
Hot off the Lens
Its not every day that you get to meet Human Hedges, but that is exactly what happened to us at Captcha on Wednesday of this week at Beaumont Shopping Centre. Human Hedges (Ed and Imogen) had been booked to welcome shoppers, but I was so very surprised when it became a hedge hugging day. Our human hedges have just come back from Dubai and are off to Belgium next week and have also spent a weekend at a major celebrities wedding (sorry folks can't reveal that one!) and they are at ......

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