April 6, 2020 5:58 PM
Hot off the Lens
Whilst a wedding unfolds, there is a magic a foot, not the abracadabra kind, but the little looks, moments, emotions, laughter tears. The looks between friends, boys can be as girly as girls, dads have exceedingly proud moments, brides glow and blossom its a cinderella moment. Grooms get a little high on emotion and become a lovely squishy bundle of romance. I see all this every wedding day, whether its in a hotel, church, marquee or garden I get to see the love of ......
March 28, 2017 11:59 AM
Hot off the Lens
Its funny the memories that jump back at you from your childhood. A lot are evoked from photographs and images and old cine film. One of my favourites was the day I was bridesmaid to my Aunty Christine. It was a day just like Christmas, there was a build up, not sleeping the night before and so excited by putting on the dress and white frilly apron (it was the 70's!) and being at the hairdressers for ringlets (a first). The day was amazing, I felt like a princess, th ......
12:00 AM
Footprints in the sand… We are Captcha Photography, based in East Leake with a high street studio, frame making and printing. There is free parking on the doorstep and a lovely relaxed atmosphere too. Here at Captcha Photography we specialise in taking images for your homes and walls and digitals for your businesses. Capturing memories of your lives and creating images that last forever whether you have them as prints, frames, albums or digitals. We create you as beautif ......

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