September 21, 2023 1:29 PM
Hot off the Lens
Leanne and Paul were both volunteers on the tall ships. They didn't know each other at the time and were both doing different jobs on the ship. One evening they were both up top (but not working) admiring the view on the Thames when they met for the first time. From there, their love of all things ships and numerous other passions and hobbies their friendship grew to love and after a long distanced relationship, Paul ventured into the Land Locked Midlands to spend the rest ......
August 4, 2023 7:09 PM
Hot off the Lens
So, your interested in our free sessions? what are they all about and what do you get during your time in the studio? They can be booked for anything whether it is a toddler shoot, a family, a couple, pet, or even an updated website profile photo.Allow a 30 minute window, to come in, get comfortable, a little chat and then start...we will photograph you for 15 minutes, during this time you can check your images on the computer screen. Don't worry you dont have to choose then, it ......
June 13, 2023 10:58 AM
Hot off the Lens
TOP TIPS for the best Confetti Moment Always worth chatting through your confetti moments and timing with your photographers so we can be at the right place at the right time and have a great backdrop Enjoy the moment, even though there is a mountain of flakes coming your way, don't put your head down or close your mouth or have those crazy looks on your face. Provide your own confetti to ensure you have plenty to go round, its not a popular guest accessory these days. Petals whether dried or fr ......
May 3, 2022 10:50 AM
Hot off the Lens
Photography from Captcha Photography of East Leake, leicestershire for Donna and Spikes Wedding in the East Midlands, at the yew lodge hotel kegworth. Natural moments and fun moments, looks of love and casual glances.
February 24, 2021 12:59 PM
Hot off the Lens
Free 15 Minute Studios sessions are available at Captcha Photography in East Leake. There is so much you can do in a 15 minute shoot its amazing, its for anyone, toddlers, kids, family groups whatever we can take in the time permitted. You also get a choice of the colour and style of your shoot we just need to chat beforehand so we are prepared for you. Choices are White, Off White, Oyster, Grey, Black, Brown, Blue, Pink, Red, Purple, Yellow and we have a green screen too. ......
February 23, 2021 1:26 PM
Hot off the Lens
After the much anticipated roll out of a timeline, we at Captcha are so happy that we can start booking you back into the studio. We have had many calls and enquiries in the last few months that have made us feel very humbled that in these times you are all still looking at capturing precious moments and memories.For all those who have enquired about passports we can book you in from the 12th April onwards. Please contact us as soon as you can to get your slot in the diary. Fro ......
August 12, 2020 2:17 PM
Hot off the Lens
So lovely when a local wedding makes the headlines of East Midlands Wedding Magazine and Wendy and Roberts wedding has achieved just that. Jump to Pages 22-23 to read the latest on this lovely couple and their suppliers (yes that's us at Captcha too).Your East Midlands Wedding - August/September 2020 (Issue 39)It seems quite apt during this little heatwave that the August edition of the magazine 2020 features the hottest wedding day on record in 2019. Wendy and Robert got married on ......
July 11, 2020 4:29 PM
Hot off the Lens
With so many missing their vital years school shots we are happy to do a 2020 school shoot for you here at Captcha Photography. The shoot is free, you can either choose the image you want whilst here or we can pop it on the internet and you can choose in your own time. We can do single child shots as well as siblings.R&CSP2020Package Options:1 digital £15.001 off 8x6 Matt Prints & 2 off 6x 4 Matt prints in Strutt Mounts £252 off 8x6 Matt Prints £25 ......
July 3, 2020 4:55 PM
Hot off the Lens 01509 852364 07770 960562 is a year like no other. Lots of events, parties, weddings all missing the normal fun and so too of all our kids, those leaving school, missing out on exams, proms and parties. As well as those moving fro ......
June 19, 2020 6:19 PM
Hot off the Lens
To Book Call or email: 01509 852364 memories...Freddie won't remember his newborn shoot, but one thing is for sure his mum, dad and sister will. This newborn shoot was a little different, it was just after we were allowed to go out and the weather was beautiful and sunny. So we had the advantage of great weather and an outside location to introduce this little boy to the world.Everything about i ......
June 17, 2020 9:37 AM
Hot off the Lens
Captcha Photography is based at The Studio 9 Gotham Road East Leake, LE12 6JG Studio: 01509 852364 or 07770 960562 (mobile) Email: Website: our quest to try and improve what we can do for your locally, Captcha Photography are now printing your Glossy prints from your mobiles, tablets or cameras. Just like you can get at other well known high street printers but without t ......
June 12, 2020 6:22 PM
Hot off the Lens
I love stories, and I love, love stories even more. Meet Diana and Tom who got married in May 2010! Strange, why is Hayley blogging about a wedding in 2010? All will become clear in a moment... Their wedding seemed like only yesterday a wonderfully hot day in May (sounds familiar) their service was at Stanford On Soar Church...nice and local.Diana's parents lived and worked on a farm in Stanford On Soar, so getting ready and the walk to the church was an easy one ......
June 3, 2020 6:26 PM
Hot off the Lens
t feels like we've had a couple of months of pure sunshine...although I'm sure there has been a few cold days in between. On the run up to Lockdown, i was invited to photograph the new Glamping Pods for Midshires Camp Site. I had never used a glamping pod personally (having spend some of our vacations under the canvas variety) but I was absolutely in awe at the stunning finish of these beautiful pods internally, externally their views and location.These pods have been c ......
May 28, 2020 5:55 PM
Hot off the Lens
Woohooo....we are back with open doors at the studio on Tuesday 2nd June, our trading hours are slightly different and appointments for passports and studio sessions are essential.We are working with the new safety standards so antibacterial gel is on hand, cleaning up after each visitor and we will be behind the camera lens most of the time, which is a safe distance to work with you. As you know all our sessions are uploaded to a website for safe home viewing and choosing (no unnece ......
May 22, 2020 5:42 PM
Hot off the Lens
e are often asked whats the benefit with 2 photographers at a wedding and this depends totally on your style of shots, venue and what you want from us. Here is one of those benefits.If you have 2 photographers, one is always more assertive (so the organising of the group heart shot from above), whilst the other is managing the people from below to get them in the right position. Here's our heart from above...All eyes focused on the upstairs window on the main photographer.&nb ......
May 16, 2020 3:19 PM
Hot off the Lens
Fabulous and Fun, dress up and go your doorstep!Your portrait shoot will included unlimited shots taken for 30 minutes, a Smart Photo App Gallery of the best (for your phones and tablets), 2 digitals and a mounted 8x10 print. All for £50.00.Call 01509 852364 or book it via ......
April 21, 2020 5:14 PM
Hot off the Lens
We can still produce prints, gifts and frame images here at Captcha Photography in East Leake.Image and photos make great gifts for everyone, if you would like us to print your images we have either our High Street prints, which go up to 8x6 in size on glossy stock. Or, our large format High Quality Inkjet Printer, this is on matt stock and it is the printer we use when producing our professional studio and wedding prints.To order send your images to: or cal ......
April 6, 2020 5:58 PM
Hot off the Lens
Whilst a wedding unfolds, there is a magic a foot, not the abracadabra kind, but the little looks, moments, emotions, laughter tears. The looks between friends, boys can be as girly as girls, dads have exceedingly proud moments, brides glow and blossom its a cinderella moment. Grooms get a little high on emotion and become a lovely squishy bundle of romance. I see all this every wedding day, whether its in a hotel, church, marquee or garden I get to see the love of ......
March 20, 2020 6:20 PM
Hot off the Lens
The title of this story is the date, the day possibly being the last wedding day that I'll attend as a photographer for a little while with a small number of guests present.Emma and Jim are amazing, crazy and amazing. They made a decision on Wednesday night to cancel their wedding day planned for tomorrow at a church (as a blessing) and wedding venue. Making the change to Melton Mowbray Registry Office today, big thank you to the registrars for making it all so perfect. Po ......
March 19, 2020 3:29 PM
Hot off the Lens
We’ve received an increasing number of enquires regarding COVID-19 (CoronaVirus 2019) and wanted to provide more information for all our customers. Below is an outline of our plan and policy, as it currently stands. This is provided for information purposes and is in no way intended to cause any concern. Please contact us if you have any questions. Updates will also be posted on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, linkedin). If the situation changes regar ......

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